


The Ten Blessed Companions (Ashara Mubashara)

Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali

Talha (RA)

  • He was one of the first converts to Islam.
    • Accepted Islam at the hands of Abu Bakr
  • Prophet sent him to check the whereabouts of Makkan caravan at Badr
    • Hence he could not participate in the battle itself
  • He was included among the closest Companions of the Prophet.
  • He was nominated one of the Ten Blessed Companions.
  • Known as living martyr
  • Member of the Islamic council during 1st and 2nd caliphates
    • Amongst the 6 chosen by Hazrat Umar as his successor to caliphate
  • He refused to accept 'Ali's delay to punish 'Uthman's assassins.
  • He and Zubayr raised forces to press their complaints.
  • He was killed in the battle of the Camel.

Zubayr (RA)

  • Cousin of the Prophet
  • Nephew of Hazrat Khadija
  • Early convert
  • His uncle would wrap him in a mattress and set it on fire
  • He did not renounce his faith saying that he must die as a believer
  • Migrated to Abyssinia
  • Fought at the Battle of Badr and Uhud
  • Amongst the leader of Muslim force on their entry to Makkah
  • Married to Abu Bakr’s daughter
  • Amongst the 6 chosen by Hazrat Umar as his successor to caliphate
  • Fought the battle of Camel against Hazrat Ali and died in 35 AH

Abu Ubaydah bin Al Jarrah

  • Early convert
  • Accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr
  • Suffered persecution
  • Migrated to Abyssinia
  • Killed his own father army at the Battle of Badr
  • Used his teeth to extract the metal links of the helmet straps from Prophet’s cheek at Uhud
  • Was declared judge by the Prophet for a Najran delegation
  • Leader of one of the squadrons of conquest of Makkah
  • Led expeditions to Dhul-al-qassa and al-khabbat
  • Went on expedition to Syria.
  • Nominee for 1st caliphate.
  • Conquered Damascus.
  • Known as Ameen-ul-Ummat.

Saad bin Abi Waqas

  • Maternal uncle of the Prophet
  • Early convert
  • Accepted Islam on the invitation of Hazrat Abu Bakr
  • First one to have shed blood for Islam
  • Participated at Badr
  • Prophet handed him arrows to shoot at Uhud
  • Present at the treaty of Hudaibiya
  • Took part in conquest of Makkah
  • Leader of Battle of Qadisiya during 2nd caliphate
  • Governor of Kufa during 3rd caliphate
  • Was offered the 4th caliphate but he refused
  • Did not pay homage to Hazrat Ali

Abdur Rahman Bin Auf:

  • Early convert
  • Accepted Islam on Hazrat Abu Bakr’s invitation
  • Suffered persecution
  • Kalab was his’ and Prophet’s common ancestor
  • Migrated to Abyssinia
  • Paired with Ansar Saad Bin Al-Rabi
  • Started selling cheese and butter to earn a living.
  • Soon established as a wealthy merchant who sent out trading caravans
  • Shared his camel with Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar at the Battle of Badr
  • Got 21 wounds at Uhud
  • Gave shoulder to the Prophet on his son, Ibrahim’s death
  • Leader of raid at Dumat-al-Jandal
  • Prophet said a prayer behind him at a voyage
  • Appointed Ameer-e-Hajj during Hazrat Abu Bakr’s caliphate

Sa'id bin Zayd

  • His father had given up idol worship
  • He was an early convert
  • His wife was Hazrat Umar’s sister
  • He could read and write
  • Was sent to check the Makkan caravan at Badr
  • Commander of army that conquered Syria in the 2nd caliphate
  • Conquered Damascus
  • Made governor of Damascus but resigned due to love for Jihad/

Zayd ibn Thabit

How did Zayd ibn Thabit compile the Qur'an?

  1. Everyone who knew a portion of the Qur’an came and reported it to be written by the committee. However, the report was not accepted unless it was heard by the reporting companion directly from the mouth of the Prophet himself, and the text was checked with the Prophet in his last year of life
  1. The verses and chapters of the text were written in the order assigned to them by the Prophet.
  1. In order to ensure authenticity, no text was accepted unless the person who reported it to the committee brought two witnesses who saw him hear the verses directly from the blessed Prophet’s mouth.

What was Zayd ibn Thabit's contribution in compiling the revelation?

  • He was one of the chief Scribes.
  • He was asked by Abu Bakr to make a first collection.
    • This was after many memorisers, huffaz, had been killed in Yamama.
  • Later ‘Uthman asked him to make a final collection.
    • He led a small group of senior Muslims in doing this.
  • They consulted leading Muslims about the correctness of what they collected.
  • They sought out all the fragments and pieces they could find.
    • These included the mushaf which were kept by Hafsa.
  • They applied careful methods in their collection, such as preferring passages in the Meccan dialect of the Prophet.
  • They preserved the original order of the chapters.

Halima Sa’adia (RA)

  • She was the Prophet’s wet nurse.
  • She had decided to take the baby Muhammad (pbuh) when no one else wanted to, as she did not want to go back to her home in the desert without a baby.
  • Her and her family’s fortunes changed whilst the Prophet (pbuh) lived with them.
  • She asked to keep the Prophet (pbuh) for longer than the initial two-year period because she felt a close bond to him.
  • She was shaken by the story of the two angels who came to clean the Prophet’s heart, after which she returned the Prophet (pbuh) to his mother.
  • The Prophet (pbuh) was known to call Halima ‘my mother’.

Bilal ibn Rabah (RA)

  • He was originally from Ethiopia and he was a slave.
    • He was one of the slaves freed by Abu Bakr;
  • He was among the first converts.
  • After conversion he suffered harsh persecution at the hands of his master, being laid on the hot sand for days;
    • Although rocks were laid on his chest he continued to call out "One" and strengthened his faith
  • He migrated to Medina and fought in all the battles.
  • In Medina he was appointed as the first muezzin – Abdullah ibn Zayd had a dream that he narrated to the Prophet, and the Prophet asked him to narrate it to Bilal and asked him to give the call to prayer because he had a beautiful voice.
  • At the Battle of Badr he killed his former master, and fought at Uhud and Khandaq;
  • He gave the adhan after the Conquest of Mecca, and after the death of the Prophet he was so grief stricken he refused to call the adhan again and left Medina;
  • He went to Damascus and died there.

What can be learnt from Bilal’s role in the Islamic community? [4]

  • Candidates should give thoughtful answers about how events from Bilal’s life can provide Muslims with valuable lessons. They could write about how his ethnic background was not a hindrance in his status as a companion of the Prophet, and so racial equality should be practised amongst Muslims of all communities. His background of being a slave did not prevent the deep friendship between him and the Prophet, and so all men should be treated equally despite their class. They could also mention that due to the beauty of his voice the Prophet favoured him as muezzin, and that it is the purity of ones heart that God looks at.

The Ansar (RA)

  • They were people of Medina who accepted Islam.
  • They helped the Muslim emigrants (muhajirun) when they came north.
  • They shared their possessions with them.
  • They took them as brothers.
  • They helped the Prophet against unbelievers in Medina

Khalid ibn Walid (RA)

  • He was from a family who opposed the Prophet in Makka, and although he did not take part in the Battle of Badr, he played a vital role in the Battle of Uhud against the Muslims, turning the Muslim victory to defeat.
  • He was sent with an expedition by Makkans to intercept Muslim delegation at the time of Hudabiyah Treaty.
  • He converted to Islam after the Treaty of Hudaybiyah.
  • In 629, Khalid set out for Madina. On the way he met 'Amr ibn al- 'As and ‘Uthman ibn Talha, who were also going to Madina to convert to Islam.
  • After conversion he took part in the Battle of Mu’ta.
    • It was the first battle between the Romans and the Muslims. He reported that the fighting was so intense, that he used nine swords, which broke in the battle.
    • Khalid took over after Zayd ibn Haritha, then Ja’far ibn Abi Talib, then Abdullah ibn Rawaha were killed. It was because of him that the Muslims returned safely.
  • He subsequently took part in the Conquest of Makka, Battle of Hunain and the Battle of Tabuk. Candidates can give details of these events.
  • He was at the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet.
  • He died in 642 in Syria.

Salman al-Farsi (RA)

  • From Isfahan in Persia,
  • He grew up a Magian, became a Zoroastrian priest in charge of a fire temple;
  • He left his family to join a Christian group and travelled around the Middle East visiting and learning from various priests;
  • One of them told him about the Prophet Muhammad being the final messenger;
  • Salman found a group of Arab leaders to take him to Madina, but half way there they made him a slave and sold him to a Jew, who eventually took him to Yathrib;
  • He lived as a slave there and then heard the news of the Prophet’s arrival in Madina;
  • He found the signs of the priest to be true about the Prophet and submitted to Islam;
  • The Prophet and companions helped him buy his freedom from slavery;
    • The Prophet himself planted the date plants;
  • At the Battle of Khandaq he had the idea of digging the trench;
  • He was unique in that he was well versed in Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Islam;
  • He was the first person to translate the Qur’an into a foreign language, translating parts of it into Persian;
  • He is said to have died during the reign of the Caliph ‘Uthman.
