Four Rightly Guided Caliphs


Four Rightly Guided Caliphs

Outline the characteristics of the caliphates of all four Rightly Guided Caliphs which make them an example of leadership for Muslim rulers.

The best answers will be those which deal with the caliphates of all four caliphs.
  • Candidates could say that the Rightly Guided Caliphs are an example of leadership for Muslim rulers as firstly they were chosen by the shura and general consensus of Muslims, which immediately establishes democracy and proves that there is no place for dictatorship in Muslim countries.
  • Here candidates can quote from the famous speech Abu Bakr delivered at the time of his election.
    • Abu Bakr (ra):
      “I have been chosen Caliph, though I am not the best of you. If I prove to be good, support me. But if I do wrong set me right. Truth is honesty; and lying is treachery. The weak among you is strong before the law until he is redeemed from oppression and the strong among you is weak before the law until he abstains from oppression. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger and if I disobey Allah and His Messenger, you owe me no obedience.”
  • They could also write about how the other caliphs were elected,
    • e.g. Abu Bakr nominated ‘Umar and as there was no opposition to him he was elected.
  • On his death bed ‘Umar appointed a panel of six to choose the next caliph, ‘Ali too was elected by the Muslims in the mosque of the Prophet (pbuh).
  • These examples go to show that leadership or caliphate is not a hereditary concept in Islam. And if it wasn’t practised by the Rightly Guided Caliphs, surely there is no place for it in today’s democratic world.
  • The caliphs always consulted the majlis e shura in the affairs of the state where everyone was free to express their opinion.
  • Everyone in the caliphate was also free to express their opinion and criticise the caliph.
    • Here as an example of this practice it could be written that once a woman asked ‘Umar during his caliphate how he made a shirt from a piece of cloth from the bait ul maal when it was not long enough for others to make a shirt from and he replied to her that his son had given him his share.
  • The caliphs were available to the people at all times.
  • The judiciary was independent and nobody was above the law.
  • The bait ul maal was public property and was so treated by the caliphs.

Write about how the four Rightly Guided Caliphs ruled during their caliphates in accordance with Islamic values.

  • All four of the Rightly Guided Caliphs endeavoured to emulate the Prophet.
  • They followed the Qur’an and the sunna.
  • They lived very simply and were all humble men.
  • Each caliph on his selection reaffirmed his adherence to the principles of Islam and treated the caliphate as a trust given to him by God and back the point being made with an example/quote.
  • The four caliphs were good administrators and available to the common man at all times.
  • They looked for solutions of problems in ijma’ and qiyas.
  • They executed justice to all, safeguarded human rights and did not consider the treasury as their personal asset but drew a small salary.
  • Their loyalty to the Qur’an and commitment to establishing a welfare state.

In your opinion which characteristic of the rules of the caliphs, if adopted by the present day rulers, would improve the lives of ordinary people in the countries they live in?

  • Candidates could say e.g.
    • that religious tolerance practised and encouraged by the caliphs was their greatest quality
    • or the implementation of justice,
    • or the enforcement of the pillars of Islam,
    • or the democratic way in which they were elected.
  • All valid responses are to be credited and should be backed by reasons for the choice, e.g.
    • If the candidates chose the religious tolerance as the most important characteristic of the rule of the caliphs, they could say that if practised today it would lead to peace and harmony in the community.
    • Countries would be safe for all its citizens not just Muslims, also religious tolerance shows the implementation of Islamic teaching as God says that there is no compulsion in religion.

Three of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs were martyred for the decisions they made. Can Muslim leaders today learn anything from this? Give reasons for your answer. [4]

  • They remained steadfast and true to their convictions and what they believed to be just and right at the cost of their lives.
  • It shows that they were strong leaders who believed in their principles and were not ready to compromise them.
    • ‘Umar refused to give in to the unjust demand of Abu Lulu and was fatally wounded by him.
    • ‘Uthman and ‘Ali both stood by their decisions which they thought were just.
  • Also, lessons can be learnt by present day Muslim leaders from the strength of faith that the caliphs displayed, they were powerful men yet they remained humble and kept their faith in God rather than increasing their personal security or using the state resources to protect themselves. All valid responses to be credited.
