


Importance of the Qur'an

  • Q2 Passages for Special Study Tips:
    1. Avoid general answers that could be relevant to any sura.
    1. Give a summary of the main themes in all passages.
    1. Cross reference and compare each passage with another.

Using three passages you have studied from the syllabus, write about God’s relationship with His created world. [10 Marks] (0493/12 May/June 2020)

The passages are about God and His relationship with His creation. Answers need to bring out specific elements from the passages that are particular to that passage and not just general statements. A summary of the relationship would help gain higher marks. Highest level answers will provide good essays which also compare themes with other passages.

There are five passages from which they can choose: 1, 2.21–22, 96.1–5, 99, and 114.

Candidates need to show the two-way relationship; not just what God gives to humans. The passages allow humankind to see the link between them and God. It is not just about God giving human beings things for their sustenance, but humans need to give thanks in return and live their life remembering Him and doing what He has asked, which can be done in different ways.

  • General Themes:
    • This link can be talked about in different ways, e.g. what God has given humankind and what God expects from humans in return.
    • They should be able to give specific examples, e.g. God giving knowledge to humans; God judging humankind for their actions.
    • They could also say that the passages teach Muslims about the provision God has given them, as well as the fact that they have a responsibility to God and fellow creation and they will be accountable for their actions.
    • These passages should help Muslims to remember their Lord and be grateful for what they have been given. Candidates should elaborate on these points using examples.

Sura 1

  • Talks about humankind being created to worship God and that can be done in many ways, prayer, following the sunnah, making dua, etc.
  • It emphasises that He is the creator and controller of all that is in the heavens and the earth, and that He will judge over humankind. They should keep this in mind when they do anything.
  • In return they should ask Him for help to remain guided. Asking for help is important which is why this is used as a prayer.
  • It also shows that perfect guidance is provided by God, humans should seek it and follow it.

Sura 2.21–22,

  • This passage shows that God provides sustenance for His creation. He gives so that they can have shelter, food and drink.
  • They should therefore look after their environment and protect the things that God has provided for them.
  • God wants humans to acknowledge that He is the one who provides them with this, and not anyone else, and so they should not seek to praise others for what they have been given by God.
  • Humans should also show humbleness to God as the real provider.

Sura 96.1–5

  • This shows the link between humankind and God by emphasising the creation of humans, that He is their creator and no one else.
  • He then gave knowledge to humans, the tool for their learning. They in return should seek knowledge whenever they can as well as teaching it.
  • While highlighting the teacher-student relationship, candidates can talk about how God has made provisions for fulfilling the intellectual needs of humans in addition to their physical and emotional needs.

Sura 99

  • This shows that God is not only the creator of everything, but He can also destroy His creation with ease. This passage talks about God’s power as the Destroyer, the vulnerability of humans and their surroundings as well as God’s power of judgement.
  • This shows that the earth is created for humankind’s benefit and that they will be judged at the end of time according to how they lived their lives on it.
  • That could be related to how well they followed God and His Messenger (pbuh), how they fulfilled their obligations, or how they looked after the earth which was created for their benefit will be rewarded, while those who disobeyed will be condemned to Hell by God.
  • Humans have a responsibility for their actions, so although God provides for humans, they must do good to show God that they are grateful and not be forgetful of their accountability.

Sura 114,

  • This passage warns humans that there are those looking to lead them astray by trying to influence their actions.
  • God wants humans to know that only He is the Lord, King and God over all humankind and so everyone should turn to Him for help in difficult times, and that protection comes from Him.

  • ‘God gave humankind guidance and teachings.’ Why does the Qur’an lay emphasis on the need to gain knowledge? [4]
    Better answers can quote from the Qur’an and hadith to support their point(s).
    • Having given guidance (through the Qur’an and sunnah, etc.), God wants knowledge to be used to learn about life and to live lives in a good way.
    • Without learning, humans would not know about their rights and responsibilities or about their potential as human beings.
    • In order to respond to what God wants or what is of benefit to themselves or others, they have to learn how to respond.
    • God is full of mercy and love, He is guiding people so they benefit in this life and in the next. The most beneficial knowledge would be that which helps a person fulfil their rights towards God, fellow humans, and to develop themselves.
  • ‘The Qur’an teaches that humans should be responsible towards the environment.’ Give reasons to agree or disagree with this statement. [4]

    Candidates can choose to agree or disagree but they have to give a reason for their choice. If they agree they could, for example, say that God has given humankind everything it needs for its survival and comfort, and they should not abuse this privilege by being ungrateful or wasteful. If they disagree they could say, e.g., that everything has been provided by God and it is there to use for humans’ benefit therefore there is no sin in using it how they please, or that everything is known by God therefore humans do not need to worry about how they act, as God can restore whatever is depleted.

  • How might teachings from these passages encourage people to take care of their environment? [4]
    • Some of the passages describe how God has made various things for the benefit of humans – the earth, the rain/water, food and drink, and that the earth will have a voice to say what humans have done whilst living on it. This will be their good deeds and bad deeds, but also how they have looked after all these provisions. Humans are therefore not just encouraged to pray and fast and worship God, but also to do good actions, including those relating to looking after the soil from which their crops grow, the water which helps them grow, etc.
    • Candidates can give other points but should refer to what is mentioned in some of the suras that suggests humans should care for the environment.
  • How might Muslims use the Qur’an to have a closer connection with God? [4]
    • Candidates could say that the Qur’an is the word of God, so it gives Muslims a connection to God.
    • It contains guidance from God, so it lets them know what God wants and expects from them.
    • There is a communication with God through the Qur’an, whether it is through reciting it or using certain passages as supplications.
    • Reading it, memorising it, teaching it to others all have benefits and may allow Muslims to increase their connection to God.

Choose two from the following passages and write in detail about the various ways in which God describes in them how He is unique: 6.101–103, 42.4-5, 112, 41.37. (May/June 2017)

Better candidates will be able to expand on the suras and be able to cross reference them; e.g. they may say that God’s uniqueness is shown in sura 2.255 through His knowledge – it is similar to sura 6.101–103, which also mentions His complete knowledge of everything, the first giving detail about their past, present and future and that their knowledge is limited to what God gives them.

Candidates must choose two of the passages mentioned in the question and should be able to say in some way what God’s uniqueness is, showing how His uniqueness represents itself in that particular sura, avoiding general answers that could be relevant to any sura.

Sura 6.101–103

  • Talks about His uniqueness through His Oneness and His full knowledge of everything He has created;
  • Whilst humans cannot see Him or comprehend His being, He sees everything that happens and is aware of everything that is done, whether it is said or thought (omniscient).

Sura 42.4–5

  • Talks about God’s uniqueness through the immense power He has over the heavens and the earth.
  • The revelation He sends is so great that its power almost tears the heavens apart. He is also unique in His forgiveness as He is ready to forgive.

Sura 112

  • Describes God’s uniqueness in the most concise way; He is perfect in His attributes and action, therefore he is One and Only.
  • He does not give birth nor die nor leave any inheritance, so He does not have a beginning or end.
  • He cannot have anyone equal to Him so He does not have any partners or any offspring, as He cannot share His uniqueness or authority with anyone.

Sura 41.37

  • Describes God’s uniqueness through His ability power and control over everything He has created.
  • He is unlike the things that He has created, so is unlike the sun and the moon because He does not change, rise or set.
  • The things that He has created are there to show humans how to recognise and worship Him.
