Belief in the Last Day


Belief in the Last Day

Belief in the Last Hour

  • The appointed hour, which is only known to God, will lead to the end of world.
  • All Muslims believe that the world as we know it will one day come to an end after which mankind will be raised again to answer before God.
    • Development in the answer of how life will end on the appointed day and everything in this universe will be destroyed could be cited.

Belief in Trial in the Grave

  • It could be added that a mini judgement takes place in the grave.
  • This belief shows a direct relation between a person’s conduct on earth and the life beyond.
  • Muslims believe the present world to be a trial and that rewards and punishments are dependent on how one lived one’s life.

Belief in Day of Resurrection

  • Belief that this world will come to an end with the command of God after which humanity will be raised again.

Belief in Day of Judgement

  • Belief that Humankind will be accountable before God and will be rewarded or punished depending on their deeds.
  • In this universal gathering all will have to give an account of their deeds; no injustice will be meted out, Paradise and hell will be the final resting places.
  • This day is called Qiyamah.
  • The blowing of the second trumpet and of resurrection of all life including humans, jinns, angels will take place.
  • Humankind will be presented in the court of the almighty to give an account of their deeds.
  • The virtuous ones will receive their book of records in their right hand and the sinners in their left hand.
  • The reward and punishment will be meted out justly in God’s court and those who will emerge successful in this judgment will enter paradise and those who are condemned will enter hell.
    On that Day people will proceed in separate groups to be shown ˹the consequences of˺ their deeds. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it. (Surah Zilzal, 99:6-8)


  • That because they know they will be presented before God and will have to account for their every deed they will lead their lives in a God conscious manner, they could say that in order to attain a place in paradise they will shun vices and live their lives according to Islamic teachings.
    • It makes Muslims realise that they have to live in accordance with the guidance given by God.
    • It makes them realise that they will be held to account for their actions in this world.
    • This belief makes them God conscious.
  • This world is seen by Muslims as a temporary abode.
  • Every Muslim believes in life after death when humankind will be presented in the court of God on the Day of Judgment to account for their deeds in this world.
  • It is the fear of this day and its accountability that makes Muslims fearful of doing wrong and keeps them on the path of righteousness fulfilling the obligations of the creator and their fellow beings.
